Wednesday, March 5, 2014

oclumon utility

oclumon Utility
  • oclumon can be used to query the CHM repository to display node-specific metrics for a specified time period.
  • oclumon can query and print the durations and the states for a resource on a node during a specified time period.
  • These states are based on predefined thresholds for each metric and are denoted as red, orange, yellow, and green.
  • The oclumon utility can be run interactively, or with one of the following verbs:
    • showobjects
    • dumpnodeview
    • manage
    • version
    • debug
The oclumon utility can be run interactively, or with one of the following oclumon commands showobjects, dumpnodeview, manage, version, and debug.

# oclumon

query> help

For help from command line : oclumon <verb> -h

For help in interactive mode : <verb> -h

Currently supported verbs are : showobjects, dumpnodeview, manage, version, debug, quit, exit, and help

oclumon debug Command

The syntax for the oclumon debug command is:

oclumon debug [log daemon module:log_level] [version]

The following example sets the log level of the system monitor service (osysmond):

$ oclumon debug log osysmond CRFMOND:3

To display daemon versions:

$ oclumon debug version

clumon dumpnodeview Command
  • The oclumon dumpnodeview command displays log information from osysmond in the form of a node view.
  • A node view is a collection of all metrics collected by CHM for a node at a point in time.
  • CHM attempts to collect metrics every second on every node.
  • The syntax for the oclumon dumpnodeview command:

oclumon dumpnodeview [[-allnodes] | [-n node1 node2] [-last "duration"] | [-s "time_stamp" -e "time_stamp"] [-v] [-warning]] [-h]

A node view consists of seven views when you display verbose output:
  • SYSTEM: Lists system metrics such as CPU COUNT, CPU USAGE, and MEM USAGE
  • TOP CONSUMERS: Lists the top consuming processes in the following format:
    • metric_name: 'process_name(process_identifier) utilization’
  • PROCESSES: Lists process metrics such as PID, name, number of threads, memory usage, and number of file descriptors
  • DEVICES: Lists device metrics such as disk read and write rates, queue length, and wait time per I/O
  • NICS: Lists network interface card metrics such as network receive and send rates, effective bandwidth, and error rates
  • FILESYSTEMS: Lists file system metrics, such as total, used, and available space
  • PROTOCOL ERRORS: Lists any protocol errors

The following example dumps node views from node1, node2, and node3 collected over the last 12 hours:

$ oclumon dumpnodeview -n node1 node2 node3 -last "12:00:00"

To display node views from all nodes collected over the last 15 minutes:

$ oclumon dumpnodeview -allnodes -last "00:15:00"

  • -allnodes: Use this option to dump the node views of all the nodes in the cluster.
  • -n node1 node2: Specify one node (or several nodes in a space-delimited list) for which you want to dump the node view.
  • -last "duration": Use this option to specify a time, given in HH24:MM:SS format surrounded by double quotation marks (""), to retrieve the last metrics. For example: "23:05:00."
  • -s "time_stamp" -e "time_stamp": Use the -s option to specify a time stamp from which to start a range of queries and use the -e option to specify a time stamp to end the range of queries. Specify time in YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MM:SS format surrounded by double quotation marks ("").

oclumon manage Command
  • Use the oclumon manage command to view log information from the system monitor service.
  • We can do the following:
  • Resizing the CHM repository to a specified window between one hour and three days
  • Managing the CHM repository size by setting a space limit
  • Changing the CHM repository location

  • To display CHM repository properties:
    • $ oclumon manage -get repsize
    • $ oclumon manage -get reppath
    • $ oclumon manage -get master
    • $ oclumon manage -get replica

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