ASM files and directories can be accessed through a virtual folder in the Oracle Database XML DB repository.
The repository path to the virtual folder is /sys/asm.
/sys/asm provides a means to access and manipulate the ASM files and directories with programmatic APIs, such as the DBMS_XDB package, and with XML DB protocols such as FTP and HTTP/WebDAV.
You must log in to XML DB as a user other than SYS and that user must be granted the DBA role to access /sys/asm with XML DB protocols.
A typical use for this capability might be to view /sys/asm as a web folder in Windows Explorer, and then copy a Data Pump dumpset from an ASM disk group to an operating system file system by dragging and dropping.
Under /sys/asm, the folder hierarchy is defined by the structure of an ASM fully qualified file name. That is, the /sys/asm virtual folder contains one subfolder for every mounted disk group, and each disk group folder contains one subfolder for each database that uses the disk group.
In addition, a disk group folder might contain files and folders corresponding to aliases created by the administrator. Continuing the hierarchy, the database folders contain ASM file type folders, which contain the ASM files.
Note: XML DB must be configured to enable FTP and HTTP/WebDAV. Use EM or the script provided at $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/catxdbdbca.sql to do this.
The repository path to the virtual folder is /sys/asm.
/sys/asm provides a means to access and manipulate the ASM files and directories with programmatic APIs, such as the DBMS_XDB package, and with XML DB protocols such as FTP and HTTP/WebDAV.
You must log in to XML DB as a user other than SYS and that user must be granted the DBA role to access /sys/asm with XML DB protocols.
A typical use for this capability might be to view /sys/asm as a web folder in Windows Explorer, and then copy a Data Pump dumpset from an ASM disk group to an operating system file system by dragging and dropping.
Under /sys/asm, the folder hierarchy is defined by the structure of an ASM fully qualified file name. That is, the /sys/asm virtual folder contains one subfolder for every mounted disk group, and each disk group folder contains one subfolder for each database that uses the disk group.
In addition, a disk group folder might contain files and folders corresponding to aliases created by the administrator. Continuing the hierarchy, the database folders contain ASM file type folders, which contain the ASM files.
Note: XML DB must be configured to enable FTP and HTTP/WebDAV. Use EM or the script provided at $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/catxdbdbca.sql to do this.
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