- Log in to Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Control and click the Cluster tab and then the Administration subfolder tab. Then click Add Resource Type.
- Enter a cluster administrator username and password to display the Add Resource Type page.
- Enter a name for the resource type in the Name field.
- Select either cluster_resource or local_resource as the base resource type from the Base Resource Type drop-down list. Generally, select the cluster_resource type for resources that can reside on any server in a cluster. Select the local_resource type for resources that must be present on each server of a cluster, by definition, such as VIPs, ASM instances, and network resources. Clicking the View button allows you to view the chosen resource type’s characteristics, parameters, and dependencies.
- The optional parameters in the Placement section define where in a cluster Oracle Clusterware places the resource. Placement characteristics include:
- Cardinality: This indicates the number of nodes the resource should run on simultaneously.
- Degree: This indicates the number of times a resource can run simultaneously on a single node.
- Server Pool: This allows the resource to be assigned to a server pool if server pools have been defined. This would indicate that resources configured using this type will be policy managed.
- Hosting Members: This creates an association between a resource and a group of hosts. This would indicate that resources configured using this type will be administrator managed.
- Placement Policy: A balanced policy allows the resource to be placed on any online node.
- Load: Clusterware interprets this value along with that of the PLACEMENT value. When the value of PLACEMENT is balanced, the value of LOAD determines where best to place a resource.
- Active placement: When set to 1, Clusterware uses this attribute to reevaluate the placement of a resource during addition or restart of a cluster server.
- In the Action Program section, select from the Action Program drop-down list whether Oracle Clusterware calls an action script, an agent file, or both to manage the resource.

Resource Type Parameters
To further configure the resource type, click the Parameters tab. Resource parameters can be categorized as start parameters, stop parameters, or status parameters, as shown in the slide. The configurable parameters here include:
- Auto Start: Indicates whether Oracle Clusterware automatically starts a resource after a cluster server restart
- Start Attempts: Represents the number of times that Oracle Clusterware attempts to start a resource on the current server before attempting to relocate it
- Start Timeout: Is the maximum time in seconds in which a start action can run. Oracle Clusterware returns an error message if the action does not complete within the time specified.
- Uptime Threshold: Represents the length of time that a resource must be up before Oracle Clusterware considers the resource to be stable
- Stop Timeout: Is the maximum time (in seconds) in which a stop action can run
- Check Interval: Is the interval in seconds between repeated executions of the check action
- Script Timeout: Is the maximum time (in seconds) for an action script to run. The timeout applies to all actions (start, stop, check, and clean).
- Failure Interval: Is the interval, in seconds, during which Oracle Clusterware applies the Failure Threshold attribute. If the value is zero (0), tracking of failures is disabled.
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